Wednesday, February 27, 2013

4 Lbs

194 Pounds!I lost four pounds already since I last posted! xD I was getting worried there as my weight went up a pound, but finally I'm seeing results. Never in my life have I been actually eager to exercise (which really only consists of me either putting some  upbeat music on and dancing away in my room or half dancing at work while I put up tags or markdown clearance).

My hunger is getting better. But I have been trying to be smart about it. Eat slower during meals and snacks. In fact, a coworker was grateful for me helping her with markdowns that she bought me a Reese's cup. lol She even knew I was trying to be good. But I told myself, it's one small package. So I had ONE cup for dessert with my lunch and then saved the other cup for later when I needed to snack on something. My willpower surprised myself. It did help to hide it in my box of Special K strawberry crisps that I use to snack on instead of string cheese (they seem to fill me up better and each crisp is only 50 calories).

So here I am, four pounds lighter. I admit I have cheated a couple of times, but I believe the fact that I'm trying to move around more at work and at home helps counterbalance my moments of being bad. And even in those moments of being bad, I don't eat the who bag of chocolates or what not. I just grab a few pieces. I'm trying to teach my subconscious that I can have a couple and I only need nor more than a couple.

So I'm not denying myself of yummy chocolates, I'm just trying not to over indulge myself. Besides, is it not true that the less you experience something enjoyable, the more you appreciate and enjoy it?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Fool

This is my first post on my journey becoming an awesome cosplayer. I love dressing up. As a child I always looked forward to putting on that costume my mom made for Halloween.

The name of this post is called "The Fool". It named after the first card of the Major Arcana in Tarot. It represents the beginning of a journey. And that is what this first post is recording: the start on my journey to become an awesome cosplayer.

So as my first step on my journey is to start losing weight. I want to be those hot cosplayers I see at some of the cons. I want to LOOK closer to the weight of the character I'm dressing up as. I want to be that girl that look amazing in her costume.

That said, last night I made the decision of going down that rough road that I have never seemed to be able to complete int he past. That path of eating smart and exercise. So today I started that path. I used my favorite calorie counting app, Lose It! I even allowed myself ONE dark chocolate, red velvet  Russel  Stovers egg. it was only 120 cals and I had been wanting to at least try it.

I also walked around outside for about 30 minutes (something I want to do everyday after work) on top of being silly at work today and danced back and forth in a swaying motions to the intercom music as I put up tags. I think I'll try doing this everyday because not  only it was fun and got my spirits up, but my coworkers and even supervisors got a kick out of the silliness (hey as long as I do my work).

From here on end I'm going to try to post every day. At the LEAST once a week.

Right now I weight 198 pounds. My goal is to reach 120-130. That is about 80 to 70 pounds. So here starts my journey.